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... For Immediate Release


sorry, I've been trying to teach a peacock how to act


April 19 - May 31, 2015

The exhibition is framed in terms of color/non-color - and, more specifically, how these qualities are experienced spatially.  The works included address issues of space and color, using color and the absence of color to organize the physical gallery space and the viewer's movement within it.  It will expand on these concrns in open-ended terms, structured loosely in reference to the essay, "The Elimination of Color in Far Eastern Art and Philosophy" (Toshihiko Izutsu, 1974).


But we should not forget that the absence of color is the result of the "killing" of color.  that is to say, under the total absence of color there is a vague reminiscence of all the colors that hve been "killed".  In this sense, the absence of color is the negative presence of color.  It is also in this sense that the external absence of color assumes a positive aesthetic value as the internal presence of color.


This show will place color and non-color together, but keep them separate.


Organized by Pam Lins with Rachel Uffner Gallery.


Ricci Albenda, Doug Ashford, Trisha Baga, Andrea Blum, Lucky DeBellevue, Phillip John Velasco Gabriel, Munro Galloway, Joe Goode, Wade Guyton, Rachel Harrison, Dmitri Hertz, Miranda Lichtenstein, Annabeth Marks, Cameron Martin, Ulrike Muller, Lucy Raven, Halsey Rodman, Nancy Shaver, and Amy Sillman.


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