Nancy Shaver
September Gallery
449 Warren Street #3
Hudson, NY 12534
January 28th, 2017 - March 5th, 2017
“Let’s Do This:” Kristen Dodge on Her Sprawling “Post-Election” Show in Hudson
BY Rachel Corbett | February 03, 2017
In the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration last month, artists were among the concerned citizens who came out in droves with pledges to continue fighting for social justice. Exhibitions like “Nasty Women” at the Knockdown Center, which raised $42,000 for Planned Parenthood in one weekend, have started springing up, and “Post-Election” at September Gallery in Hudson, New York, is among the latest. Artist Kate Gilmore and September founder Kristen Dodge organized the massive show of works by 170 women artists, including Marianne Vitale, Diana Al-Hadid, Lauren Seiden, Agathe Snow, Xaviera Simmons, and Marilyn Minter, open through March 5. We spoke to Dodge, who will donate 10% of the sales proceeds to Planned Parenthood and the Stanley B. Keith Social Justice Center, about how the election changed artists and inspired a new “let’s do this” approach.
What is the political climate in Hudson? Do you know how your county voted in the election?
We are definitely in an interesting area. Hudson itself leans liberal and was grounds for an early and active following of Bernie Sanders. There was a lot of passionate talk governing most conversations, and fundraisers being held around town. Once Bernie was out of the race, those who had expended time and energy supporting his campaign were quiet, maybe burnt out, or just dejected. I was a Hillary supporter from the get-go, which positioned me as a bit of an outsider in the more liberal circles of the Hudson community. Leading up to the elections this fall, the broader community surrounding Hudson and stretching into the reaches of Columbia County began to get loud. Trump signs sprung up on lawns and car bumpers to the point where it was a common and familiar sight. Its different from being in the city where many people I know have never encountered a Trump supporter. In the end, Columbia County voted for Clinton over Trump by a difference of 1,528 votes out of a total of 31,152 votes. The close call seems to accurately reflect the proximity of divergent perspectives. Columbia County, being both close to New York City and a predominantly rural community, is a petri dish of the urban vs. rural breakdown in the country at large. more....
Gallery Hosts Post-election Artist Response
Posted: Sunday, January 29, 2017 12:30 am
By Rosa Acheson - Columbia-Greene Media
HUDSON — The September Gallery hosted a communitywide “Post Election: Opening Day” party Saturday, featuring works by more than 170 visual artists from Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Boston, 10 performers and family-friendly activities.
The goal of the show was to create an opportunity and a context for artists to respond to the political climate, without offering interpretive content, but rather letting the work speak for itself, gallery founder and director, Kristen Dodge, said.
“There’s a real range of responses, so you have some more internal, emotional responses, some very political responses,” Dodge said.
Given the turnout, artists were asked to keep their work small, Dodge said.
“We really didn’t control the way the show came about,” she said. “We decided to let it take on a life of its own and it went from us to 170 artists really fast.” More....
SEPTEMBER presents POST-ELECTION, an exhibition of over 170 artists, co-organized by Kristen Dodge and Kate Gilmore. This exhibition was conceived in conversation between Kristen and Kate a few days after the U.S. Presidential Election. With the intention of providing a reason, space, and context for artists to respond to the current circumstance, they agreed to set a show in motion, and allow the call to take on a life of its own. Word spread between artists and within a short time, the number of participants rose from 50 to 170. The current list is included below.
If you choose to make a work that addresses things internal, or external, or some state in-between, that is up to you. Make what you need to make in whatever form, and at whatever pitch you choose. -Excerpt from the call to participate
If we stop to comprehend the “unrealistic” endeavors that we pursue, we would never do them. This show has been a leap of faith and a truly collaborative endeavor. We are grateful to everyone who has offered her time and resources along the way.
10% of all sales will be donated to Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood and the Stanley B. Keith Social Justice Center.
Diana Al-Hadid, Jennifer Amadeo-Holl, Polly Apfelbaum, Colleen Asper, Lauren Barnes, Hannah Barrett, Kate Beck, Susan Bee, Andrea Belag, Anne Beresford, Iris Bernblum, Annie Bielski, Hannah Black, Nancy Bowen, Dawn Breeze, Kelsey Brod, Jacinta Bunnell, Beth Campbell, Carwash Collective, Rebecca Chamberlain, Lenora Champagne, Patty Chang, Nicole Cherubini, Jennifer Paige Cohen, Courtney Childress, Benigna Chilla, Christen Clifford, Liz Collins, Moira Connelly, Cynthia Daignault, Jennifer Dalton, Nancy Davidson, Jen Dawson, Donna Dennis, Shoshana Dentz, Melissa Auf der Maur, Leah Devun, Katherine Mitchell DiRico, Leah Dixon, Angelina Dreem, Jenny Dubnau, Sharona Eliassaf, Julie Evans, Heide Fasnacht, Jean Feinberg, Rochelle Feinstein, Alison Fox, Dana Frankfort, Lilah Friedland, Sarah Fuhrman, Sheila Gallagher, Mariah Garnett, Christy Gast, Tamara Gayer, Kate Gilmore, Jennifer Gilmore, Joanne Greenbaum, Catherine Hall, Ellen Harvey, Maren Hassinger, Paula Hayes, Clarity Haynes, Karen Heagle, Susanna Heller, Elana Herzog, Jane Fox Hipple, Sheree Hovsepian, Nene Humphrey, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Jamie Isenstein, Elizabeth Insogna, Alia S. Jackson, Catherine L. Johnson, Nina Katchadourian, Lisa Kereszi, Eleanor King, Chelsea Knight, Autumn Knight, Julia Kunin, Marcia Kure, Cal Lane, Karen Lee, Miranda Lichtenstein, Cynthia Lin, Kimberly Lin, Anne Lindberg, Meg Lipke, Jen Liu, Patte Loper, Rebecca Loyche, Gina Magid, Dana Majana, Georgette Maniatis, Xander Marro, Natasha Mayers, Suzanne McClelland, Andrea McGinty, Francine Hunter McGivern, Shanekia McIntosh, Tess Middlebrook, Ander Mikalson, Marilyn Minter, Jenny Monick, Amalia Mourad, Donna Moylan, Laurel Nakadate, Maureen Nollette, Rachel Owens, Ruby Palmer, Alix Pearlstein, Sheila Pepe, Carla Perez-Gallardo, Tessa Perutz, Janine Polak, Kristine Potter, Sara Rafferty, Corinna Ripps, Heather Rowe, Brie Ruais, Adelaide Ruff, Kathy Ruttenberg, Jackie Saccoccio, Naomi Safran-Hon, Jennifer Salomon, Lisa Sanditz, Carrie Schneider, Mira Schor, Lauren Seiden, Becky Sellinger, Nancy Shaver, Carleen Sheehan, Elise Siegel, Slinko, Barb Smith, Alexandria Smith, Shinique Smith, Jamie Sneider, Agathe Snow, Sarah Sole, Laurel Sparks, Meredyth Sparks, Allyson Strafella, Odessa Straub & Kip Kirkendall, Kianja Strobert, Maya Suess, Julianne Swartz, Jane Swavely, Monika Sziladi, Dannielle Tegeder, Constance Tenvik, Dorothea Van Camp, Sam Vernon, Stefanie Victor, Jennifer Viola, Marianne Vitale, Wendy White, Jess Whittam, Karen Lee Williams, Martha Wilson, Ana Wolovick, Lachell Workman, Sun You
For further information, please contact, or visit our website: Gallery hours are Friday-Sunday, noon-6pm and by appointment.